28 January 2025 at 21:32 (UTC)
Hello, and welcome to my blog! Since this is the first post, I'll begin with the backstory of this project and my plans for the future here.
I designed this website, from scratch, to be my personal corner of the internet. It hosts my portfolio,
as well as my thoughts on various technical and non-technical topics via this blog. Overall, I aim to provide visitors with a streamlined experience
tailored to quickly accessing the information they desire.
I'll begin by stating that JavaScript, as a programming language, is fine. On the internet, however, I feel that JavaScript is overused for purposes
that do not benefit the user. As a NoScript user, I can attest that many websites function near-perfectly without the
use of JavaScript, often significantly reducing page sizes. There are of course legitimate reasons to use JavaScript on the internet, however, in
many cases JavaScript is used to track visitors for the purpose of advertisement, or profiling. As such, I aim to use JavaScript only where it's
absolutely necessary, which means all pages except for blog posts on my website use no JavaScript. Specifically, I use JavaScript on blog
pages for KaTeX. As I discuss topics related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, it is natural to present
mathematical expressions in a prettier manner than basic typesetting can permit. Here's an example: $\int 3x^2 \, dx = x^3 + C$.
Above one will have already viewed inline LaTeX formatting provided by the JavaScript library KaTeX. When BPG.py
converts this (originally)
markdown text to HTML, it fully supports all features of markdown, including both inline code blocks and fenced (multi-line) code blocks.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Hello, world!");
return 0;
Above is a simple program written in C, demonstrating how fenced (multi-line) code blocks appear on this website. Lastly, here's a mathematical
expression that is not inlined with the text: $$\int 3x^2 \, dx = x^3 + C$$
Since I do not often write front-end software (websites, UIs, etc.) there are likely to be numerous issues with this website and the way things
are displayed that will be fixed over time. As I continue to write posts, I may find that more functionality is necessary to properly convey the
information I'm attempting to discuss. While this blog will primarily cover technical topics, I do not intend to shy away from controversial topics
such as politics and personal philosophies. Overall, this is my corner of the internet, controlled by me.